Hiazz... connection got problem again. Especially at night (dun know y) but the LAN seems 2 DC by it self, but when internet is connected, its ok. Anyway, at least i still get 2 go online during the day. Today, 6I'ains had a gethering at Sunway Piyramid, n it's me organizing agian. Watched Madagascar for d second time, but i wasn't that bored. Not that many as the last time, i dun know y... (mayb sacred of Dylan??) N then we had a long disscusion about when to go 2 Sunway Lagoon. Well it's comfrimed n hope more will b going or it will b boring. Btw, for the 1st time in maple, i saw a GM.
He on top of the roof of the hut.
Hope 2 update soon, but then there notthing much 2 update about.